Terms of Use

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These terms and conditions govern your use of VisitMe.info’s website, accessible at https://visitme.info/. By accessing this website, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using VisitMe.info.


  • “Client”, “You”, “Your”: refers to the user accessing VisitMe.info and agreeing to its terms and conditions.
  • “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our”, “Us”: refers to VisitMe.info.
  • “Party”, “Parties”: refers to both the Client and VisitMe.info.
  • All terms are interchangeable and include singular, plural, capitalization, and gender-neutral forms.

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Intellectual Property

Unless stated otherwise, VisitMe.info and/or its licensors retain the intellectual property rights for all content on VisitMe.info. Unauthorized use of this content is prohibited, including reproduction, distribution, or modification.

User Responsibilities

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  • Post inappropriate, offensive, or unlawful comments on VisitMe.info.
  • Infringe upon any intellectual property rights with your comments.
  • Use comments for solicitation, promotion, or illegal activities.

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Certain organizations may link to VisitMe.info without prior approval, including government agencies, search engines, and news organizations, provided the link is not deceptive or implying sponsorship or endorsement. Other organizations may request permission to link to VisitMe.info.

We reserve the right to request removal of any links that we deem inappropriate. We may also amend these terms and conditions at any time.

Content Liability
VisitMe.info is not liable for content posted on external websites linking to us. We reserve the right to defend against claims arising from such content.


VisitMe.info does not guarantee the accuracy or availability of information on the website. We exclude all liabilities permitted under applicable law, except in cases of fraud, personal injury, or where liability cannot be excluded.

As VisitMe.info provides its services free of charge, we are not liable for any loss or damage incurred through the use of the website.

Thank you for using VisitMe.info responsibly.